I was raised in the city.  Add in the terrible seasonal allergies that I have and that went untreated until I was in junior high, I didn’t spend much time outside as a kid.  Living this new-to-us lifestyle, being married to a man who grew up in the country and trying to get Skipper (and myself) plenty of exercise, life has changed a lot for me this year!

I wish I could paint a picture for you of the meadow where I walk Skipper almost every morning and sometimes again in the afternoon in Bemidji, Minnesota.  It is beautiful and each time that we walk it I’m in awe of the beauty of something that would, for some, seem so simple.  It’s the “Prayer Walk” for the neighboring Cavalry Lutheran Church here at Royal Oaks campground.  The street leading to both the church and campground appropriately named Peaceful Meadows.  A well-maintained path of about five feet has been mown around and through the meadow. 

Each time it is different or at least I notice something different.  On a cool morning, the grass wet with dew sparkles as the sun works to dry it.  Wildflowers of many types and colors bloom around me.  Sometimes the field appears more yellow and somedays more purple.  The smell of fresh clover hangs heavy in the air after a heavy rain.  Grasses that have grown taller than me slow dance in the afternoon breeze.  Butterflies rest on a tall blade of grass and fly in tandem playfully flitting from plant to plant.  A dragonfly stops suspended in mid-air to check me out.  Finches take surprise flight out from the midst of it all.  I catch sight of a bunny’s white tail as it dives into the weeds.   A natural symphony of grasshoppers, crickets, cicadas, birds and who knows what else surrounds me.  New buds prepare to bloom as yesterday’s fresh blooms fade to a deep beautiful golden tan.

I’m thankful to have had this beautiful spot so close to us and available for our use.  It has made our time here in Bemidji better than it would have been without it.  And I will pray as we make our final loop around it that we will find many places like this in our coming adventures.

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