“Are you meeting people?” I am asked by friends and family frequently along the way.   I answer, “Not really.  And, yes, we’ve met some people.”  When we walk Skipper, our dog, we meet lots of people.  And while it is nice to say hello and to have him be loved so much, it is superficial.  Not once have we gone out for dinner, much less had more than a fifteen-minute conversation with someone that we’ve met in this way.  So how are we meeting people?

We joined Xscapers, a club within Escapees RV Club, started in 2010 by Travis & Melanie Carr to appeal to working-aged RVers.  This self-professed lifestyle group seems perfect for people like Brian & me.  Not only does it offer all benefits assembled over the forty-plus years of the Escapees RV Club’s existence, including an awesome mail service, it helps bring together working-aged people like us who are living a nomadic life.  

Using social media platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, we’ve “met” many people online.   Most of the conversations that we’ve had so far have been electronic.  Until this coming week, we have met up with two other couples with whom we’ve spent some time.  I admit, it feels a little like when Brian and I had our first date after meeting through match.com.  But that seems to have worked out well for me!  😊

We were “introduced” to both of these couples through Xscapers Facebook page.  Like with online dating, at some point in the conversation, it was decided to meet in person.  Unlike online dating, we were guaranteed to have something in common—Xscapers!    With both couples, we also shared interests in RVs, travel, etc.  Conversation flowed easily.  Second (and even third) dates scheduled.  And while we have moved apart in terms of locations, we hope to cross paths again with them both someday.

This coming week, we will attend our first Xscapers Convergence in Las Vegas, Nevada.   We signed up a couple months ago, wanting to meet people.  With a week’s worth of social events planned for the group (after work hours) in and around Las Vegas over Halloween week, we are sure to at least have some fun.  From what I can tell based on a unique Facebook group for the event, about 100 people are attending this convergence.  Many are dry-camping together in the parking lot downtown, where the event is centered.  Others, like us, will be camping in nearby parks.  We are sure to have a few things in common with all, including a desire to find community in our nomadic lifestyle. 

We hope to meet people with whom we can hang out—at the event, at future convergences and possibly rendezvous along our journeys.  In any case, we embrace what Xscapers stands for in bringing people like us together.

2 Replies to “Are you meeting people?

  1. Yay! Thank you Anne. We absolutely loved getting to spend time with you and Brian and look forward to connecting in person again soon.

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