“Any chance that you happened to have seen my pajama bottoms?”  I asked Brian one night after dinner when I couldn’t find them.  I had checked my clothes drawers and cupboard as well as the hook I use to hang clothes that are neither dirty nor clean. 

“Nope,” he confidently responded while comfortably lounging from the couch already dressed in pajama bottoms and a t-shirt.

I wasn’t surprised that he hadn’t seen them mostly because I am the primary laundry doer.  Sure that I had recently washed them, I double-checked the dirty laundry bin.  When they weren’t with the dirty clothes, I prepared to find them in a ball of clean, and now very wrinkled, clothes inadvertently left behind in the washer/dryer.  When they weren’t there, I moved on to the next logical place, Brian’s clothes cupboard.  Perhaps I had put them away with his stuff? 

Voila!  There below a pair of his sweatpants sat the other pair of matching pajama bottoms. 

“Found ‘em,” I declared as I pulled them from the cupboard.  The pants unfolded before my eyes.  Something wasn’t right.  These were not my pajama bottoms, but the men’s version of the pajama bottoms that we bought two Christmases ago for our Christmas card picture.

I looked out into the other room.  Was Brian wearing the other pair?  Yes, indeed.  With his work-from-home job, he had been wearing them all day.

I began laughing.  “Do these look familiar?”  I questioned as I held the clean and larger pair up to me.  “I found them in your cupboard.”

The laughter didn’t stop for a few minutes.  Both of us laughing hard belly laughs that are as good or better than a “good cry.”

“I know that they are stretchy pants, but didn’t they seem tight on you?” I managed to get out between chuckles.

“They did seem a little small, but it was post-Christmas holidays, and I know I put on a few pounds,” he giggled.  “Plus, our dryer tends to shrink things,” he further excused himself.

Desperate to relax in a pair of comfy pants for the night, I pulled on his pants.  On me, they were like the baggy MC Hammer pants of the late 80s.  Still grinning, Brian stood up. 

“They look like yoga pants on you,” I said while wiping a tear from my eye.

We laughed some more before settling down for the night comfortably relaxed in each other’s pants.  I’m telling you, you can’t make this stuff up!  😊

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