When we bought our then four and a half-year-old 2015 Entegra Aspire in February of 2019, we expected that we would need to repair things. We would need to repair things if we had stayed in our sticks and bricks home too. In that way, homeownership is the same. We never would have imagined the number of repairs that our new home would need. While we took possession of our rig in February 2019, we moved in at the end of April. Below is a list of the repairs that we have made since moving in. This list intentionally excludes “regular” maintenance and intentional upgrades.

May 2019Aqua-Hot Water HeaterWhen functioning correctly we should have both electric and propane to power our hot water heater. This repair replaced the burner board and got the hot water side of our tank working again.$600Mike’s RV Services, Fair Haven, MI*
May 2019Back-Up CameraThe picture was very fuzzy. While the manufacturer sent a replacement camera, we paid for installation.$100Mike’s RV Services, Fair Haven, MI
May 2019Ceiling FanOn our very first night in the coach, I shook the sheet to make the bed too much. It got caught in the ceiling fan blade bending the blade irreparably.$25DIY
June 2019Bay Door LockThe lock broke on one door. Unfortunately, you can’t replace just the cylinder. We paid about $50 for a replacement latch & lockset, but had to have it custom painted at a body shop to match the rest of our paint.$200DIY / Body Shop
July 2019Aqua-Hot Water HeaterReplaced both pumps and the control thermostat. The Aqua-Hot was working producing lots of hot water, but the pump was running continuously heating up the back bathroom and bedroom. No service techs were available so this became a DIY project.$800DIY
July 2019Aqua-Hot Water HeaterGas Valve / Electrical Connection / Coil Relay — Ongoing attempts to have the hot water heater functioning correctly.$35DIY
Sept 2019Aqua-Hot Water HeaterMain Computer Board needed to be replaced.$600Dakota RV, Rapid City, SD*
Sept 2019Washing MachineThe washer from the stackable unit that came with our rig worked for a total of one load. After multiple attempts to get someone to come to work on the machine and months of going to the laundromat, we finally gave up and decided to replace both the washer and dryer for an all-in-one Splendide combo.$1500Dakota RV, Rapid City, SD
Oct 2019RadiatorDiscovered a leak in the radiator which required a new radiator. As that specific radiator was no longer available, we had to have the space reconfigured to work.$6200Transwest, Frederick, CO*
Oct 2019Engine Oil CapWhen in for service on the radiator and other regular maintenance, they discovered a crack in the engine oil cap.$640Transwest, Frederick, CO*
Oct 2019Alignment IssuesMay be related to the Safety Plus Upgrade, but the coach was pulling hard to one side.$225Transwest, Frederick, CO
Nov 2019Transfer SwitchWe lost all power to our coach the week before Thanksgiving. The mobile RV tech believed it was the transfer switch.$550Mobile RV Service, Indio, CA*
Nov 2019Power Hose ReelAfter the transfer switch was replaced and power wasn’t restored, we also needed to replace the power cord and reel.$1025Mobile RV Service, Indio, CA*
Nov 2019Running LightsOne light in front and one light in the back were out.$20DIY
Nov 2019House Battery ReplacementsWith our power issues, batteries for the house started to leak and needed to be replaced.$615DIY
Jan 2020Faucet (Half Bath)Mineral deposits had the faucet clogged.$90DIY
Jan 2020Shower Head (Full Bath)Mineral deposits had the faucet clogged.$50DIY
Feb 2020Aqua-Hot Water HeaterControl Thermostat replaced as water was not heating properly.$320Just Right RV Repair, Las Vegas, NV
Feb 2020Aqua-Hot Water HeaterReplaced ignitor & refractory as the hot water heater was calling for propane but not igniting or staying lit.$40Just Right RV Repair, Las Vegas, NV
Feb 2020Aqua-Hot Water HeaterReplaced Flame Sensor — after all repairs made the hot water heater went out again. The repairman replaced for only the cost of the part.$375Just Right RV Repaid, Las Vegas, NV*
Feb 2020NOX Sensor on EngineAn engine light came on just as we were arriving at Lake Mead. Luckily, we were still able to drive the rig and scheduled an appointment for service in Las Vegas.$2000Cummins, North Las Vegas, NV*
Feb 2020Bay Door SpringSpring in latch was out of alignment.$0DIY

An asterisk (*) in the far right column indicates that we made a claim with Repair Care, our extended service plan company. They by no means paid the total bill for repair. For more information about what they cover, please contact them or read my take on this HERE.

For a separate list of the upgrades that we have done or plan to do, click HERE.

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